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Muesli Bars


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Homer Simpson once said that from now on he will only eat food that comes in a form of a bar. I too like eating stuff that comes in bars, from snickers, mars, milky way, muesli, and most of those breakfast bars. The only thing is that, it’s very expensive! Yes, it is very convenient, but sometimes, it’s just too sweet! And i’ve got a sweet tooth. I’m not saying that making it at home would use less sugar, but at least you can control how much you actually need to it to stick together and not add more sugar to it for it to taste nicer.

For this recipe, I used whatever I had on hand such as oats, rice puffs, mixed nuts, dried fruits, fancy molasses – this one was just stored in the fridge for a couple of months because I bought the wrong one and never used it, beet syrup – I misread the label, I thought it was golden syrup because it was labeled as Goldsirup aus Zuckerrüben (gold syrup from sugar beets), and butter. The original recipe calls for honey and white sugar, but I used up my honey over the week because of my cold and sore throat. Plus, I don’t quite like the strong honey taste in food. It was very easy to make and I was glad I could finally use up my fancy molasses so I could use the jar it came in. I can’t vouch that using fancy molasses and beet sugar syrup is healthier than using regular white sugar and honey. It does however change the taste of it and I actually really like it, plus it turned out not too sweet.

Goldsirup aus Zuckerrüben

Goldsirup aus Zuckerrüben (Gold syrup from sugar beets) from Alnatura 

Another great thing about making your own muesli bars is that you can customise it as you like. I started off with the basic mixed nuts and fruits. Once I’m done eating this batch I will try out others. It’s a good way to clear my cupboard from small quantities of nuts, fruits, and cereal.

Muesli Bar


  • ½ cup + 1 Tablespoon (125 grams) Butter
  • ½ cup Golden Syrup (see tips)
  • ¼ cup Sugar (see tips)
  • 2 ½ cups Rolled Oats
  • 1 ¼ cup Rice Krispies
  • 2 cups Mixed Nuts & Dried Fruits


  1. Pre-heat oven to 180°C (350°F) and line a 31cm x 22cm (12 x 8-inch) baking pan with parchment paper and grease well.
  2. In a large and deep non stick pan or pot, melt butter, golden syrup and sugar on medium heat.
  3. Mix well and let it boil for 4-5 minutes or till it slightly thickens.
  4. Remove from heat and add oats, mixed fruits, nuts, and rice krispies.
  5. Mix well and make sure the ingredients are well coated.
  6. Pour mixture into prepared pan and flatten with a spatula or a scraper. Press firmly to ensure the mixture sticks together.
  7. Bake for 20 minutes or till golden brown.
  8. Remove from oven and let the muesli cool off in the baking pan for an hour.
  9. Remove from baking and cut into 20 slices. Or as your hearts desire.


  • Feel free to use any nuts or dried fruits.
  • Use any cereal such as corn flakes, cheerios, smacks, or honey bsss pops (honey stars).
  • You can substitute golden syrup for honey, fancy molasses, or corn syrup.
  • You can substitute sugar for any choice of sugar such as raw sugar, muscodavo or demerara. I used beet sugar syrup.
  • You can omit sugar.
  • Store in an air tight container for up to 2 weeks.
  • If you have picky eaters, mince up dried fruit.
  • Try coating it in chocolate for extra yumminess and calories!

Enjoy and happy baking!

Cherry's Signature


Muesli Bar

Photo submission got accepted by foodgawker!

Muesli Bars

Muesli Bars

Claypot Chicken Rice, without claypot

Confusing title? Originally, claypot chicken rice is cooked using a claypot. But since I do not own one and it does not seem useful if I do own one because I do not have a gas stove at home. So in order to make this dish, I use my rice cooker. What’s missing is just the lovely, crunchy rice crust at the bottom but with some tricks, I am able to pull it off. This dish is popular in food courts. Growing up, I remember my sister eating this most of the time while I had fried noodles.

This is how an original claypot chicken rice dish looks like

This is how an original claypot chicken rice dish looks like – Photo from makansutra

I have been cooking this at home for a few years now, and the last time I was back in Malaysia, the hubby and I had the real claypot chicken rice at a food court. Sadly, I’ve gotten to accustom to the one I make at home and the food court’s one did not taste nice. Even the hubby said mine was better (probably buttering me up, so I still cook for him). It also could be because I add a massive amount of dark soy sauce and sesame oil that it really makes the dish tastier and the colour is fabulous. The colour part is mostly because of my mother, because she loves her food to be really dark/black (especially when it comes to soy sauce being the main ingredient). For example if she orders KL Hokkien Mee, she wants it reaaaaaalllyyyy black. If not, she looses her appetite. So when it came to me cooking claypot chicken rice, I got put off when it first turned out very pale…so I added more dark soy sauce after it was cooked and it turned out perfect.

This was the first claypot chicken rice I cooked, see how pale it is!

This was the first claypot chicken rice I cooked, see how pale it is!

Another thing that’s missing in my dish is, Lap Cheong or dried Chinese sausage. It always slips my mind to search for it at the Asian shop, though I’m not too sure if they even have it – to the ones I go to. The most important part of the dish to have is the fried salted fish. The taste of the salted fish is just so perfect with the dish. My salted fish comes from my hometown, Sabah and that’s probably the only salted fish I will ever buy. Folks from Sabah take pride in their seafood 😀

Recipe adapted from Rasa Malaysia .

Fried salted fish pieces

Fried salted fish pieces


  • 2 Chicken Thighs, deboned and cut into pieces
  • 3 inch piece, julienned Ginger
  • 4 big pieces Shiitake Mushrooms (optional)
  • 1 pair Lap Cheong / Dried Chinese Sausage, sliced (optional)
  • 1 bunch Spring Onions
  • 1 - 2 inches Salted Fish, sliced

Chicken Marinade

  • 2 tablespoons Oyster Sauce
  • 2 tablespoons Shaoxing Cooking Wine
  • 1½ tablespoons Light Soy Sauce
  • 1½ tablespoons Dark Soy Sauce
  • 1 teaspoon Sesame Oil
  • 4 dashes White Pepper, powder
  • To taste Salt


  • 1½ cups Rice, uncooked
  • 1½ cups Water
  • 2 tablespoons Light Soy Sauce
  • 1½ tablespoon + 1½ tablespoons (for after cooking) Dark Soy Sauce
  • 2 teaspoons + 1 teaspoon (for after cooking) Sesame Oil
  • To Taste Salt


  • Salted Fish
  1. Wash salted fish and pat dry.
  2. Thinly slice it.
  3. Heat up a pan to medium heat with some oil.
  4. Fry salted fish till crispy.


  • Chicken
  1. Clean chicken and marinade for at least 30 minutes before cooking.
  2. Once marinated, heat up a pan with some oil. Medium high heat.
  3. Fry ginger till aromatic.
  4. Add chicken and the marinade.
  5. Stir fry till 3/4 cooked. You can also fully cook it, but make sure you still have gravy left.
  6. Add chicken and gravy into half cooked rice.


  • Rice (after chicken has been marinated and just before you begin cooking the chicken)
  1. Wash rice.
  2. Add rice, water and all ingredients under rice into rice pot.
  3. Mix well and press cook to start cooking the rice.
  4. Add cooked chicken and gravy into half cooked rice.
  5. Allow to cook until the rice cooker button pops to stay warm. 
  6. Add extra dark soy sauce and sesame oil.
  7. Press cook again (sometimes it takes a while till you can press cook again – cooking it again will enable it to form a nice piece of rice crust, this should take a couple of minutes)
  8. Let the rice cooker be on stay warm for 15 minutes before serving.
  9. To serve : top with fried salted fish and spring onions.
  10. Dig in!!!!!!



Cherry's Signature







Claypot Chicken Rice

Claypot Chicken Rice (without claypot)

Lion House Dinner Rolls

I’ve always liked bread rolls. They are simply yummy, fluffy and buttery, but baking bread has always been something that scares me till now, even with some years of home baking. Even though it’s scary, I just love the smell of bread baking…there’s just something in it that makes it oh-so-very fulfilling. Then of course, to scarf it down in minutes with the occasional tongue burning and slather it with luscious butter.

Pinterest has been my bible ever since it began. Life, has never been the same again. Thanks to it, I found out about this precious dinner roll.  I don’t make it as often as I wish for because it’s quite a big batch and I do not own a larger freezer YET, to freeze the rolls for another day. The freezer that comes with the built-in fridge is like a shoe box and it’s always filled. But when I make these rolls, I separate the dough into two. One gets baked into dinner rolls and the other half, into chocolate cinnamon rolls. Yay, yeast party!

For this recipe, I like to start off using my stand mixer and once all the ingredients have been mixed, it goes onto the counter top to be kneaded. Reason being, my mixer is not able to hold that much dough.

Recipe adapted from the Lion House Cookbook.


  • 2 cups Warm Water (45°C / 110°F)
  • 2/3 cups Dry Milk Powder
  • 2 tablespoons Dry Yeast
  • ¼ cup Sugar
  • 2 teaspoons Salt
  • 1 Egg
  • ⅓ cup , plus extra for brushing Butter, softened
  • 5 - 5½ cups All Purpose Flour


  1. In a large bowl of a stand mixer, mix in sugar, yeast, water and milk powder. Let it sit for 5 minutes till slightly frothy.
  2. Add in 2 cups of flour, butter, salt and egg. Mix on low with stand mixer (when available – if not mix and hand knead).
  3. Gradually add the rest of the flour (you may not need all the flour) until well mixed.
  4. Continue kneading for 5 minutes on medium speed or by hand. I use hand because my mixer can’t hold that much dough.
  5. The dough should be soft, not too sticky and not stiff.
  6. Lightly oil a large bowl and cover with a damp tea towel or plastic wrap and allow to rise for an hour or till doubled in size in a warm place.
  7. Prepare a baking tray and line with parchment paper. Set aside.
  8. Once dough has risen, lightly flour countertop and divide dough into equal balls or desired shape.
  9. Place on a lined baking tray, cover with a damp tea towel and leave to rise again for 30 – 45 minutes or till doubled in size in a warm place.
  10. Pre-heat oven to 190°C (375°F).
  11. Bake rolls for 20 minutes or till golden brown.
  12. Brush with some melted butter as soon as it comes out from the oven.



Cherry's Signature


Dinner Rolls

Shine from the melted butter

Lion House Dinner Rolls

See how fluffy it is!

See how fluffy it is!



Homemade Peanut Butter

Why homemade peanut butter? No preservatives (✓), No added sugar (✓), No added oils such as vegetable oil (✓). Is homemade peanut butter cheaper? It all depends on the peanuts you buy. I buy store brand roasted peanuts which costs CHF3 ($3) per kilo – you can of course buy unroasted and roast it yourself. One jar of peanut butter here costs the same. So for me, it is cheaper. I did not make my own peanut butter because it was cheaper, but because I needed unsweetened peanut butter which I have not found here yet. Plus, it’s so easy and you can control the smoothness of the peanut butter. Now that I have made my own peanut butter, I really prefer the taste of it compared to store bought ones.

Homemade Peanut Butter

All you need is a food processor, peanuts and coconut oil which is optional. Add salt, sugar or preferred sweetener if you wish. This recipe yields 17 servings ( 1 Tablespoon/c.a 15 grams ) = c.a 255 grams per jar.


  • 2 cups Roasted Peanuts
  • 1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil (optional)


  1. Process peanuts in food processor till smooth.
  2. Add coconut oil to fasten up the process and for a creamier feel.
  3. Store in a glass jar.


  • Conversion Table
  • Peanut butter lasts up to 2 months. I kept mine in the pantry.
  • If you are using MyFitnessPal app to count calories, first copy the recipe URL then go to MyFitnessPal app to Recipes, select Create a New Recipe, then Add from the Web. Paste the URL, match ingredients and that’s it!
  • Always match ingredients to the ones you use. Ingredient nutritional facts differ depending on brand.
  • Nutrition Facts (based on my ingredients) : Per serving (1 Tablespoon/c.a 15 grams ) 98 kcal, Total Fat – 8 g, Total/Net Carbs – 2 g, Protein – 4 g.



Cherry's Signature

Homemade Peanut Butter

Homemade Peanut Butter

Chicken Congee / Chicken Rice Porridge

Congee or rice porridge is a common ‘sick people’ or baby food. It’s tasty and easy to digest. When I was young, my go-to sick food was chicken porridge or KFC mashed potatoes. When you have a cough, the doctor will advice to not have oily foods, but I will still add sesame oil to my porridge (while my mother looks away). That’s like the best part about porridge!! Tons of heavenly sesame oil.

Other than it being a ‘sick people’ or baby food, porridge is also eaten for breakfast or actually anytime you wish to. Nowadays, I cook it on my lazy days and on cold winter days. The ginger in it gives out a nice warm feeling in the tummy. However, if using as baby food, you normally do not add any seasoning to it. So just plain porridge with a choice of protein and veggies all blended together.

Most Chinese restaurants in Malaysia cook it on request, some even specialise in it. You can even buy instant porridge in cups or packets where you just need to add boiling water to it.

So what is rice porridge? It’s just plain white rice that has been boiled with lots of water until the rice breaks down and becomes thick and gooey. You can also use your own choice of meat, such as chicken, pork or fish. It’s also a great way to use up leftover rice if you do not feel like having fried rice. The basic condiments are spring onions, julienned ginger, fried onions. Other condiments (when available) include pork or chicken floss (rousong), pickled mustard plant (zha cai), and fried chinese crullers (char kway). For added seasoning, add sesame oil, light soy sauce, and white pepper.

There are two ways I use to cook rice porridge. The first is by cooking it manually over the stove top in a large pot. The second is by using the rice cooker, so all I need to do is mix in the ingredients and press a button and stir every now and then.

In Switzerland, I have yet to see a Chinese restaurant have porridge on their menu. That’s basically not a problem, but when I am sick…porridge is all I crave for. But I do not want to be standing and stirring at the stove while I am sick. I use to also not really want to cook porridge because I am the only one who used to eat it. My husband always had the notion that my rice porridge was sweet, like grits or oats. It took me 3 years to convince him to even have a spoon of it. Now, he loves it! He even eats more servings than I do and requests it all the time.



  • 1½ cups White Rice (jasmine), washed
  • 8 cups (+/-) Water
  • 2 pieces Chicken Breast, sliced
  • 2-inch Ginger, sliced
  • To taste Salt & White Pepper
  • 2 tablespoons Sesame Oil


  • Spring Onions
  • Fried Onions
  • Ginger, julienned
  • Salt & White Pepper
  • Sesame Oil
  • Light Soy Sauce

Directions for rice cooker:

  1. Wash rice till water runs clear in rice pot.
  2. Add water, ginger, chicken, sesame oil, salt, and pepper.
  3. Press cook. This will take about an hour.
  4. Stir occasionally to prevent rice from sticking to the bottom.
  5. Once rice has broken down, you can adjust the thickness of the porridge. If it’s still too watery, cook it longer and if it’s too thick, add more water.
  6. Add choice of condiments. Serve.

Directions for stove top:

  1. Follow directions above, just use a large pot.


  • Do not fill rice cooker with water exceeding ¾ of the pot. You can always start with less water than the required and add the rest later.
  • You may not need all the required water. Reduce or add water depending on the consistency you prefer.
  • If using already cooked rice, use a ladle to break up any rice clumps first.
  • If using fish, add it after the porridge has been cooked. Gently stir it in and cook porridge again till fish is cooked, about 4-5 minutes.
  • 1 cup rice = 185 grams
  • Cups to Grams conversions


Cherry's Signature


Chicken Congee


Brownies have been another long time favourite. Many people have their own preferences to how they like their brownies ; be it cakey, fudgy, chocolaty, nutty, aromatic or just plain old brownies. To me there is no right or wrong in making brownies. 

So here’s a brownie recipe that’s quite fudgy, very chocolaty, and nutty…plus an additional fake flower prop. Didn’t what I was thinking about when I took the photo and only edited it after I ate all the brownies.

Recipe adapted from My Sweet Journals.


  • 9 ounces (250g) Dark Cooking Chocolate
  • 1 cup Butter
  • 1 cup Brown Sugar
  • 3 nos Eggs
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 1 cup All Purpose Flour
  • ¼ cup Cocoa Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Baking Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Salt (if using unsalted butter)
  • ½ cup Walnuts, toasted


  1. Prepare a  9 x 9-inch square baking pan. Line with parchment paper and grease it.
  2. Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F)
  3. Toast walnuts.
  4. Melt butter and chocolate in a double boiler, microwave or if you are lazy like me, just over the stove on low heat (be sure not to burn it). Mix well.
  5. Sieve flour, baking powder, and cocoa powder.
  6. Once butter and chocolate have melted, take it off heat.
  7. Mix in brown sugar, vanilla extract, salt (if using unsalted butter) and eggs (one at a time).
  8. Using a spatula, fold in flour mixture and toasted nuts.
  9. Pour into prepared baking pan.
  10. Bake for 30 minutes or until your cake tester comes out clean.


Enjoy & Happy Baking!
Cherry's Signature



Tzatziki Sauce

A quick cold yogurt sauce great for Kebabs, Pita Bread with Falafel, or sandwiches.

Back in my Uni days, my friend Ling and I used to frequent a Kebab house that baked the best chicken wings ever! It was super crispy, juicy and tasty. Ling use to pair her wings with yogurt sauce and she introduced it to me. I loved it instantly! Ling also had a way to eat wings…with a fork and knife. On top of that, she actually spent time de-boning it before eating it. Her way was genius as you could then fill the wings up with the yogurt sauce! Like a stuffed chicken wing.

She was my eating, shopping, b*tching and sometimes snuggling/sleeping companion. We used to also spend lots of time watching trailers together. So Ling Ling, this is for you!



  • ½ (about 6-inches) Cucumber
  • 1 cup Yogurt or Greek Yogurt
  • 1 clove Garlic, minced
  • ½ tablespoon Dill, dried or fresh
  • 1 tablespoon Fresh Mint, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon Sugar
  • To taste Salt


  1. Cut cucumber lengthways, use a teaspoon to deseed.
  2. Use food processor to grate cucumbers.
  3. Mix cucumbers, yogurt, garlic, dill, chopped mint, salt and sugar.
  4. Refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.



Cherry's Signature

Falafel with Tzatziki Sauce & Pita Bread

Pita with Falafel and Tzatziki Sauce

Pita with Falafel and Tzatziki Sauce


Most homemade products are better than ready-made ones or commercial ones. As for Falafel, I like it homemade or from a Kebab house. The first time I made Falafel, I did not have a big food processor. I had a tiny one meant for maximum 2 medium onions. My good friend was with me at that time and we spent a good 45 minutes blending the chickpeas with the other ingredients. The end product was nice and tasty but it didn’t taste much like Falafel. Instead, it tasted like Marsala Vadai (an Indian snack made from Chana Dal). Our guess was we added too much cumin seeds to our mixture. We still gobbled it up with some tortilla’s and had a good laugh about it.

I prefer using dried chickpeas (soaked overnight) instead of the canned ones and it gives the Falafel a better texture. I find canned chickpeas too mushy for Falafel, so it shall be reserved for Hummus. This recipe can last about 3 days in the fridge and up to 6 months in the freezer.

Use Falafel for stuffing pita bread with tzatziki sauce or just a snack on it’s own.


  • 1½ cups Dried Chickpeas (to be soaked overnight)
  • ½ cup Onion
  • ⅓ cup Coriander
  • 4 cloves Garlic
  • 2 teaspoons Salt
  • 2 teaspoons Cumin Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Cumin Seeds (optional)
  • 2 teaspoons Coriander Powder
  • ½ teaspoon Black Pepper
  • ½ teaspoon Smoked Paprika Powder
  • ½ cup Gram Flour (Chickpea Flour)
  • For frying Peanut Oil


  1. Soak chickpeas overnight in a large bowl of salted water. Make sure there is enough water as the chickpeas will expand up to double it’s dried size.
  2. Drain chickpeas and rinse.
  3. Roughly chop onions, garlic, and coriander.
  4. Add all ingredients to food processor and blend till chickpeas resemble small grains and slightly pasty. Over blending will result into Hummus. You might have to use a spatula in between to mix ingredients so it blends evenly.
  5. Transfer to a sealable bag or container and refrigerate for 2 hours.
  6. Add frying oil to pan or wok and heat it up to medium high.
  7. Scoop out Falafel and shape into balls or desired shape. I use about 1 tablespoon per ball.
  8. Deep fry on medium high heat till golden brown.


  • Store falafel (uncooked) in a zip lock bag and freeze for up to 6 months
  • 1 cup chickpeas = 152 grams
  • Cups to Grams conversions



Cherry's Signature


Pita with Falafel and Tzatziki Sauce

Pita with Falafel and Tzatziki Sauce

Falafel with Tzatziki Sauce & Pita Bread

Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies

Cookies have always been a favourite of mine and have been baking homemade cookies since 14 years old. At that time, I used to just bake them free style. No measurements and ingredients got mixed in not at it’s proper order. There was even once a few years ago, where I baked a batch of cookies just before a flight back to college where I totally forgot to add sugar until the chocolate chips were mixed in. To my surprise, it created a wonderful crunch and flavour to it that my roommate at that time gobbled up the whole jar of cookies before I could even get all my bags back into the room. Sadly, till today I have not been able to recreate those cookies. I guess, my free spirited baking has been overthrown by preciseness in baking recipes.

Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies

The product of this recipe has made me not want to eat anymore manufactured cookies again! I just love everything about it and the aroma it releases…is heavenly. A special ingredient I add is a butter-vanilla flavouring vial from Dr. Oetker which I can get in my local grocery store. Of course, if you do not have this with you, it can be substituted with 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract. I also make my own brown sugar at home since it’s not easily available in here. Best part about this recipe is that you can just use a wooden spoon to mix the ingredients. 

The chocolate chips are square morsels!

I'm guessing 'Only in Switzerland', chocolate chips are square!

I’m guessing ‘Only in Switzerland’, chocolate chips are square!



  • 2 cups All-Purpose Flour
  • ½ teaspoon Baking Soda
  • ½ teaspoon Salt
  • ¾ cup Butter, unsalted
  • ½ cup Packed Light Brown Sugar
  • ½ cup Sugar
  • 1 nos Egg
  • 1 nos Egg Yolk
  • 2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract
  • 1 cup Chocolate Chips


  1. Sift flour and baking soda and keep aside.
  2. Melt butter in a pot (do not boil)- big enough to mix in all the other ingredients.
  3. Mix in sugars and salt. Set aside to cool down.
  4. Once cooled, add vanilla extract and eggs one by one while mixing.
  5. Add in the flour and baking soda mixture and mix to slightly combine.
  6. Lastly, add the chocolate chips.
  7. Scoop ¼ cup of dough and roll it into a ball. Repeat till dough is finished.
  8. Place dough on a plate and cover it with cling wrap.
  9. Chill the dough for 30 minutes.
  10. Preheat the oven to 165°C and prepare baking trays with parchment paper.
  11. Place dough balls onto prepared baking trays. Do not place the dough too close to each other, ideally it should be about 3 inches apart.
  12. Bake for 16 – 18 minutes.
  13. Allow cookies to cool for 10 minutes on trays before transferring to cooling racks.


  • If you wish to have crunchy cookies instead of soft, simply bake it 5 minutes longer and use regular white sugar instead of brown sugar.
  • Cups to Grams conversions

Guten Appetit ! 

Cherry's Signature

Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies

Oopsie Rolls / Bread

Watching your carbs but can’t resist bread? On a LCHF or Keto diet and miss that bun on your burger? Sick of just eating meat without a starch to accompany it? Here’s the solution. Oopsie Rolls / Bread. Of course it’s not the same as bread, but I find it a reasonable and quick substitute. These rolls/bread was created (not by me) by accident, hence the name of it. Use it as a replacement for foods that you would normally have with bread such as, hotdogs, burgers, sandwiches or wraps. You can even use it as a dessert like swiss rolls, pancakes or crepes. However, there are better keto friendly dessert recipes other than this.

Oopsie Roll/Bread

My keto lunch today, Oopsie Rolls with Alfalfa Sprouts, Shredded Chicken (leftovers), aioli with a side of homemade salsa. 530kcal, 4g Carbs, 25g Fat, 34g Protein.

The texture of these rolls/bread is like an overly fluffed up scramble egg. Very soft, spongy, delicate and tear very easily. It’s best to eat the rolls/bread the day you make it.

Oopsie Roll/Bread

This is a very simple recipe and you probably already have the ingredients on hand. Psyllium husk is optional but it is a good edition as it is a source of soluble dietary fiber and it gives you a full feeling. It also does not affect the taste of the rolls/bread. Be sure to drink lots of fluids when using psyllium husk. Also, if you do not know about psyllium husk, research it well before using it. It can be bought in any health stores, reformhaus, or amazon.

Recipe from DietDoctor.


  • 3 Eggs, medium (separated)
  • 100 grams / 3½ oz Cream Cheese
  • ½ teaspoon Baking Powder
  • ½ Tablespoon Psyllium Husk Powder (optional)
  • To Taste Salt


  1. Pre-heat oven to 150°C (300°F). Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  2. Have 2 bowls ready. Separate eggs. White in one bowl and yolk in the other.
  3. Take the bowl with yolk. Add cream cheese and whisk till frothy and fully combined (no more clumps).
  4. Mix in baking powder and psyllium husk powder if using. Set aside.
  5. Using a hand mixer/stand mixer, whip up egg whites till it reaches stiff peaks. It should be able to not fall/drop when you turn the bowl upside down and shake.
  6. Gently fold in egg yolk mixture into the egg whites. Be very gentle with it as you do not want to deflate the egg whites.
  7. Once fully mixed, scoop out mixture onto baking tray. 6 big ones or 8 small ones.
  8. Bake for 25 minutes.


  • Conversion Table
  • For more nutritional information, please visit my Yummly page and scroll to the bottom of the recipe.
  • If you are using MyFitnessPal app to count calories, first copy the recipe URL then go to MyFitnessPal app to Recipes, select Create a New Recipe, then Add from the Web. Paste the URL, match ingredients and that’s it!
  • Always match ingredients to the ones you use. Ingredient nutritional facts differ depending on brand.


Cherry's Signature

Oopsie Roll/Bread
